Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Glandular Fever How Long Contagious

Although some time ago I opened my account I never encouraged to write here.
The truth is that if I do it because my aunt told me that probably do me good to write here.
My name is Maria Jose and I have 19 years.
past few years I'm battling bone cancer and although it is hard I will gradually succeeding. Because of this happened some time in the hospital. One time my aunt brought her portable DVD player and DVD's series Queer as Folk, since I'm hooked on it and I have my aunt and my sister look boring to me fics and things in the series. Thanks to them today I walk through the world of LJ and every day I'm more familiar with it.
I read everything I get my hands on the series, but I especially love the fics I post 513 and the sixth superenganchada begok season, where I go there I carry it with me.
Well now that more have not, one day I'll stop by here and tell you more about my life.
Thanks for reading.


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