Wednesday, April 2, 2008

How Long Does It Take For Ice Cubes


List 10 fictional characters you wouldn't kick out of bed (in no  particular order) and tag five people to do the same:

Iori Yagami (K o F): 1   2 This man was my first crush on a fictional character.

Victoria (Hellsing): 1 2 3 4 Gorgeous little woman with a pretty big weapon ^ _ ^

Sabaku no Gaara ( Naruto): If I could hug him while I sleeps, Without painfully dying, Would I do it.

Rei Ayanami (Evangelion): 1 2 3 4 She is so Damaged People, _, I will take care of her,

Vincent Valentine (FF): 1 2 3 * _ * Gorgeous

Anko Mitarashi (Naruto): 1 2 I have no pictures of it and because I worked hard in the internet search only found this screen shot.

Shiranui Genma (Naruto)

Yoruichi (Bleach): 1 She is so hot

Soi Fong (Bleach): 1 She is so cold

Yoru / Soi my favorite pairing is, in yuri.They and Haruka / Michiru (Sailor Moon).


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