Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Electric Tooth Brush Mumbai

your lies

I Have Swallow the poison you feed me, But I survive on it, and it leaves me fed, hatred fed, fed anger ... And it makes me feel strong.

I Do not Want to Be Hostile. I Do not Want to Be dismal.
See I want to believe, and I want to trust. Even so, I can not.
I Will Be Able Some Day, But Not to you.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Age Of Empires 2 2.0a No Cd

アリス 九 號 in Nack5 Shou Hiroto & Beat Shuffle [2009.01.16]

fomeke day .. Kreo
'm starting to suffer from clausto
kajsaksjak u_u xDD kjaksjka
seriously .. I'm bored .. pc
to me is bored O_O u.ú nose that makes up
kjaskjaskasjakjsa and more heat for more
U_U kjasjasajsaksjaj kero Komer something
riko kjaskaksjakjsask T___T * ^ *
Shouuuuuuuu love * _ * salia cutest
hoi pon kon ... Awww
*/////* bone yesterday = _ = but it is only a piece ..
the other could not fallao salio xq ¬ ¬ * 0 *
but so full I have lalaalallal * ^ * i Shiteru Kohara
kazamasa °!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Example Of Congratulation Whises

videos kawaii! * 000 * n_n

Making of the beautiful name PV
Awww Enkanto me this video, U, is mui cute .. q only a little short ..
nn but even so .. Soi Happy ~ ^ _ ^

TSUBASA Live at NAKANO Sunplaza HALL [2008 August 31]
alfin Awww I saw this long-awaited live
is really beautiful * 0000000 *
Thanks Vandalize more dvd version * 0 * these videos cute! ~ ^ W ^

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How To Reduce Lordosis


wenu .. andu idle test Asue x3 ago

If I were a time of day would be: lunch x3
If one day a week would be: Friday
If a month would be: September
If a station would be: Winter
If a year is: 2010
If it were a person: A Japanese * w * If a verb
would be: If
ñakañaña would sense: sight
If a cartoon is: Suiseiseki-chan ^ w ^
If a cabinet would be: My close t.. takes * {*
If a drink is: Lemon soda
If it were a musical instrument: a battery (*^*)
If an emotion is: If a
fruit would be: a strawberry * ^ *
If an item would be: water
If a sport is: Tennis * 0 *
If a meal would be: Lazan * q *
If ice cream is: Awwwww a pineapple (Oh if common .. x3)
If a body part is: the
eyes If an object is: an IMAC * w *
If a subject is: Visual Arts * _ *
If an odor is: flowers * w *
If it would taste ; to: sweet
If a number is: 666
If I were a place would be in Japan! * 000000 *
If it were a color: Black, Fuchsia or any color
cake ^ ^ If an ocean: Nyaan * 0 * Pacific
If a language is: Japanese, Chinese, koreano, thailandes * w *
If it sounds: the a whale * ^ * I Enkanto or a dolphin
x3 If a dessert is: kon cualkiera be sweet ^ ^ q
If age is: 16 I have fond (-///////- memories of that age)
If an invention is: an electric spoon .. could eat so much xDDD kajsa
If a sin is: ahh jasahs kmo called? .. the food .. i that of laziness? > _ \u0026lt;
If I were a historical figure is: emmm ..... If anyone o_o
a landform would be: a glacier o.ó that worth?
If a story is: The Chronicles of Narnia oo
If a gemstone is: mmm an emerald * '0 *
If a word is: baka! ~
If I were a tree would be: * 000 * sakura
If a car model: a bike is fine n_n
If a flag: the Japanese! is so beautiful!
~ * ^ * If an item of clothing: a skirt From 6% Dokidoki kawaii
If an insult bakayarooooooo! ¬ ¬
If a drawing: a forest beside the sea ... Shou & Nao (L)
If known: It would be a drummer
n__n If a store: 6% Dokidoki, SEX POT Revenge, Angelic Pretty more ..
x3 If a brand: Kryzpo * 0000000000 *
If I were a street in Akihabara * ^ *
If a museum: I'd love to go to the museum of hide-sama uu
If an island: Iceland * 000 *
If a song to dance: mmm ... Cubic '"L / R" ock kajskajsk Enkanto me x3
If a song mourn: mmm .. There are several o.o. ...... the Never Crazy; _; xq m Kenta agreement
T_T If a song not to forget: Woow! ... There are many * 0 * All of Alice Nine * 0 *
If a group of music: Alice Nine obviously, they are everything!
If I were a one singer: Kotoko * w *
If a haircut: normal ..^_^ .. mmm as the typical Japanese chika x3
If a tattoo: Alice Nine .. I love Shou & Nao! If x3
time: 1:00 pm x3
If a colony: I guess mine: bvlgari black * _ * If a party
: Christmas ..... * _ * If a gift
: A figure of anime xD

What Size Shoes Does Mary J Blige Wear

VANDALIZE (≧ ▽ ≦) ★

Konnichi wa! ajskajkas mmm .. or rather KONBA wa!?
ehhh? demo .. demo .. night is not yet .. asi q KONBA wa! ^ 0 ^
hoooooo Well ... long time no nose because
n__nU wrote, but did not, today, yeah! > 0 \u0026lt;Yeahhhhh! ~ In a way, my life
this mmm a little better ^ _ ^ can be ... since I left school
and not see some people .... it's been so cool! ~ ^ w ^ I feel better.

Although I have been very hikikomori (like my Nao-kun * 0 *) so I do not mind
yaaaaay xD! I've spent watching dramas
this month, the last one I downloaded was one liter of tears, riiiiiiight!
me said it was good .. I recommended it for years, I've only seen
3 cap and a half, because my mother made me her room ¬ ¬ 3 (she has a TV
cooler than mine xDD well as film feels xD) And that ... u.ú
I liked but just stay in a good part U_U always happens to me and let u.ú
alla o_o DVD, well it does not matter much xD ahahahaha

day before I could also get the new album from Alice Nine , VANDALIZE
Dioooooos! is wonderful ~ * 0 * and I had before official release * 0 *
nose how, but I got .. and I was the happiest girl in the world! ~ * 0 *
were new sounds * 0 * and managed to convey that feeling .. born again
* ^ * yeah! ~ I liked all the songs, so I can not say what more!

ararararararara ... which I have ?.... ^ ^ read manga, watch anime, and stuff ^ 0 ^ I
so many anime tinca 2009 of January o_o ....
at most Maria + Holic ... a couple of weeks ago I saw the preesteno xDD
gave me a good laugh * 0000000 * kajskaksjkas ^____^ I like it I like especially
surprise''LA'' Ahhhh ....

and I confess that I love Murai Naoyuki (L) well .... as was
this ... the truth ... I've always watched and admired ..* 0 * .. by way of being
.. although as was his childhood ... he has moved forward positively
.. and that .. is that .. Nao what I love (L) is an example to follow ..
Apart from being a fan of akiba-kei (* ^ *) He says that instead of eating 4 meals
, prefers to be in Akihabara at least 3 or 4 veves week,
know what life is like a musician, is very busy, especially now that
are being launched for a new album and then the tour; _;
x3 are? and because I speak? Jkasjkajs
that does not mean you stop loving Shou, on the contrary, I love them both
alike, makes no difference, they are great friends too, so I have two boyfriends
! Estoyyyy How happy! (How nice to dream)

Nya .. and that ..... ^ 0 ^