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Little Prayers

Title: Small Prayer
Author: Hey-Diddle-Diddle
[info] Meng_Die

As a rule, the ninja does not believe in God. Gai, however, if you believe. Man is abnormal, the bizarre with strange habits and customs, strange poses and phrases, and strangest of all, believes in good and evil, heaven and hell and in God.

can not understand a world where everything is gray, where the men killed for little more than money, even though it is one of those men. He refuses to see as well in your world, everything is black and white. Some are good or bad. He is good, has always been good, and people will fight they are bad, and he will go to heaven, because the good do not go to hell, and is it not this life like hell? He can not deal with the idea that maybe, just maybe, there is nothing after this, and there was nothing before, and that maybe, just maybe, there is no power large, keeping everything in line and in control. And that idea, that men control the world and the universe and everything, I dread more than anything else, except for the idea that God exists.

So dazed and confused and very lost, he prays. Pray for your students, so that Tenten is safe, so Neji becomes happy, and that Lee finally become what he wants to be. Pray that you return to Raidou Genma, Kakashi finally to see Iruka, Naruto to become Hokage. Pray for Kurenai and her baby, for the soul of Asuma. Pray for each person and each thing in the village, from children playing in the streets until the old men die while dreaming. Finally, when finished with your town, its people, he prays for his own sins.

Pray for the men who killed them. Trying to pray for them, one at a time, name by name, but too many, you can not remember them all. They are like mist, disappearing faces more faces, and pray for them.

- "God," - he says, because God is not 'dear', - "take care of them all" - and 'all' becomes larger every day .

And every night, mechanically, because Gai is a very reliable, said their little prayers, kneeling, with his hands clasped and trembling. And when it ends, feel, wakes and wonders if it's actually good enough, if after all going to go to heaven, or if, after all, is going to be stuck here in hell forever.

translating'm not that good, but if I pass only a little of the feelings aroused in me this fic, I can be well served. ^ __ ^


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