Saturday, August 9, 2008

Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia

Title: Power
[info] jbmcdragon
Translator: Meng Die
Rating: G

was not itself Hinata who finally caught his attention. It was not the fact that Chuunin did last year - Neji after all, it was jounin. Neither the fact that the Hokage had sent her and her team in several important missions. The two boys, after all, were powerful ninjas.

Nor did they behave, or how he had stopped stuttering, or how he was responsible as well of being the matriarch of the clan while his mother was ill.

was not anything that made Hinata to attract the attention of his father. Were Kiba and Shino, and power between them. It was the way it used to stand around, like his clan together to protect by blood and ninjustu. It was the fact that they were not bound by anything, and yet they were, against all odds. Prepared to give their lives for a little girl could hardly Chuunin say his own name.

And then, only then was Hinata. Hinata who deteníaa the two young men with softer word imaginable. - "No" -. Only this, and his two teammates retreated, yielding to his authority. Doing what she said.

skills were not the limit blood, speed or strength. Were the two men who gave him his power and relied on it to use it properly. It was the sudden and surprising realization that somewhere along the way, she had matured.

itself was not Hinata who finally caught his attention. It was the power he carried, though we never believed capable of none.

Note by the translator:

I love Team 8. Personalities

complemented; Hinata is corazóny emotions, Kiba is the muscle and brute force, Shino is the brains and strategy. Besides its unique and powerful abilities so well balanced, making it an ideal group of ninjas of Konoha, but as there are players nobody pays attention to them: (.

The only weak point of the team vedaderamente recycle Hinata's personality is obnoxious how they behave around Naruto and security FLAT, but in my opinion this is something that exceeded cuendo mature, having reached that point will become the three, a union of power to be taken into account .

By the way I want to say that I think the reason this team is an alliance of clans Konoha remaining strong, this triad of clan heads will be important for the stability of the town in the not too distant, or so I hope that happens someday ^___^.


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