Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gay Portland Oregon Cruising

I get bored in the world .-


q olos long
not pass by xD
aka the truth is I walked
q kon many lazy passes u.ú
nose SM
all bored me o.ó
mmm ... estoi añoq worried about is being
xD osea q are the .. i my future ...
u.ú know .. Kambia many kosas
but naa uu .. recently found something the Kambia
q io q no thought ... but it is not passable o.ó
pedicure, no D & G and luxuries demases T_____T
Oh yeah ... u_u kjaskakjssa do Kaso
to say xDD q loka kjaskjasjaks a
that .. * O * I would like
learn to express things always talking about the key ........( iop)

kajskajsajs Ajkaskajksjaksj * O * I was happy the two people
xq q konsideraba my friends
kon kosas the q vivi many happy .. hooky so many
* OO * kosas ... d did not forget me ..
T____T pikada
i io ia naa was saying''no''are my friends if i
.. T_T they are ... io i was one to think that T__T baka

TOT Waaa the kero see we spent so
always good .. aunq mui tasted different .. i
kritikabamos we mutually xD kmo t''they said they might like those Chinese
''gay''kmo io i can listen to that crap''(the regeton xD)
kajskajs i was i was i was
xDD So are the kosas
.. * __ *
estoi loka .. I have q i go to a hospital psyquiatriko .. I know that .. xDDD kajsjak

asjkkajsajs * OOO * a japanese m gave a Valentine's gift * O * * _ * mkjkjjasajks
Felizzz that ..


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Colors Recycle Bins Singapore

hermeneutical exercises with a quote from Kurt Cobain

Yep, my second post of the day.

found this note very interesting and I could not resist the urge to share it ^ _ ^


"God is gay" (or everything is happiness ominous in the abyss)

However, maybe it came that idol of the masses that is Kurt Cobain should be neither more nor less than the same feeling that she had the god of grunge. Being happy in the most miserable.

And why God would not have to be gay, why should not he be happy with the adversity of the dark times. If God is gay because he is happy in the darkest night of the human, would that be then, all a bit like God. In this sense to all gays.

Anodis: "God is gay": Three years hermeneutic with Kurt Cobain phrase

Thank You Letters For Cruise Interview

your heartache I do not moves so well that, not your weeping quietly and without exit. I am Stronger Than

Meme - When you see this, post your favorite poem in your journal. Small
Love by Jaime Sabines

Little Love

 Small  love, you do not know, you can not know still, I moved your voice or an angel in your mouth cold, or your reactions to sandalwood that perfumes and breathe out, nor thy virgin eyes crucified and burned. I do not moves so well that your anguish, sobbing quietly and not your end. Do not touch me your gestures of melancholy, not your desire, or you expected, or injury you speak of grieving. You move me to represent you all your life with passion so clumsy and so clean, like that wants to kill himself to tell: I'm suicidal. Leaf that barely moves and feel detached, I will follow you wanted all day.