Saturday, February 7, 2009

Thank You Letters For Cruise Interview

your heartache I do not moves so well that, not your weeping quietly and without exit. I am Stronger Than

Meme - When you see this, post your favorite poem in your journal. Small
Love by Jaime Sabines

Little Love

 Small  love, you do not know, you can not know still, I moved your voice or an angel in your mouth cold, or your reactions to sandalwood that perfumes and breathe out, nor thy virgin eyes crucified and burned. I do not moves so well that your anguish, sobbing quietly and not your end. Do not touch me your gestures of melancholy, not your desire, or you expected, or injury you speak of grieving. You move me to represent you all your life with passion so clumsy and so clean, like that wants to kill himself to tell: I'm suicidal. Leaf that barely moves and feel detached, I will follow you wanted all day.  


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