Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gay Portland Oregon Cruising

I get bored in the world .-


q olos long
not pass by xD
aka the truth is I walked
q kon many lazy passes u.ú
nose SM
all bored me o.ó
mmm ... estoi añoq worried about is being
xD osea q are the .. i my future ...
u.ú know .. Kambia many kosas
but naa uu .. recently found something the Kambia
q io q no thought ... but it is not passable o.ó
pedicure, no D & G and luxuries demases T_____T
Oh yeah ... u_u kjaskakjssa do Kaso
to say xDD q loka kjaskjasjaks a
that .. * O * I would like
learn to express things always talking about the key ........( iop)

kajskajsajs Ajkaskajksjaksj * O * I was happy the two people
xq q konsideraba my friends
kon kosas the q vivi many happy .. hooky so many
* OO * kosas ... d did not forget me ..
T____T pikada
i io ia naa was saying''no''are my friends if i
.. T_T they are ... io i was one to think that T__T baka

TOT Waaa the kero see we spent so
always good .. aunq mui tasted different .. i
kritikabamos we mutually xD kmo t''they said they might like those Chinese
''gay''kmo io i can listen to that crap''(the regeton xD)
kajskajs i was i was i was
xDD So are the kosas
.. * __ *
estoi loka .. I have q i go to a hospital psyquiatriko .. I know that .. xDDD kajsjak

asjkkajsajs * OOO * a japanese m gave a Valentine's gift * O * * _ * mkjkjjasajks
Felizzz that ..



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