Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Low Sp Count, What To Do

Cross Game [PV]♥ !!!

and finally the best of this day ... ajiskaskaa
Siiiiiiiiiiiiii! ~ First I had gotten into a com
and lei in サキドリ! Had put this in ka pv
second row, I was oO kajskajsasja
kjkaksjakskajska had put me stunned and tearful
not seen it, but after waaaaaaaaaaa
! I could get
kajsaksjaksaj and Full version is really left me loka
really listening for hours .. Hours hours
me want to learn it .....
*--------* but I'm on track! WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Shou *_______*
beautiful Hermes Hermes
kajskasja gosh really looks beautiful now, if q aunq
if you can feel the thinness
uxa .. if those days when they were recording the song as ending
to put yu-gi-oh 5D's
was really stressed out and so did not update their blog or anything
and well, after we saw .. and really his face was delgadizima
.. uxa .. but now I see it is better
q and I am very happy, _, Shou-kun You know you're
the only thing that makes life merry ... amm and a few more good
shiteruuu ai ...

pv I love you! kajskajksajsjaksjakjskajksajskajskajksaj muxa
if I talk nonsense is stupid i q'm still in shock *---*


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