Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Irritated Upper Lip A Sign Of Herpes

Meme, just because I do not want to go to sleep yet. You are weirder

answers to each of the questions with the form on Flickr.
2) Choose a photo of the first three pages.
3) Copy the URL of your favorite photos here copying the example of [info] nice_lena , I'll make a kind of collage.
4) then share them with the world.

1. First Name
2. Favorite food
3. City
4. Favorite Color
5. Love a celebrity
6. Favorite drink
7. Dream Vacation
8. Favorite Dessert

9. What I want to be when I grow
10. What I love most in the world
11. A word that describes me
12. The name of my LJ

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