Saturday, July 24, 2010

Pictues Of Cold Sores


know that Sherlock Holmes is my favorite book (it has become my favorite book, obvious reasons.) But that does not mean you forget the books I had an incredibly stunning effect on me that I did mourn, to think , cry, sigh, that made me love every one of the characters, which blew me in the imagination. That made me realize many things.

say that the best books you read at an early age. I really do not remember hardly any of them, and I know I read a lot more than what my friends read in a month. But among all ... this book. East. Book. marked my life, and is checked, every time I read it.

The Book Thief.
The Book Thief.

I bought the book, totally attracted by the beautiful title. Perhaps because in his way, in my long history, have always been a book thief. And when I opened it, I'll be honest, I had hopes for the book ... and the book fell my hopes small insignificant pieces, incotejables, the book is unparalleled.

would not know where to start. All characters, each and every one of them, are perfect in their way. Perfect. Imperfect because they are so perfect, so full of flaws as human beings ... they are perfect. Imperfection is perfection itself, what makes us human.

And I'm reading it again. And I can not help coming here and publish it. And ah, I need enresinar to certain characters. ENRESINARLOS NEED ALL. It's the closest I have of them near me. And be special, very special.


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