Sunday, November 23, 2008

Benefit Georgia Peach Dandelion

Lyrics Title: Rules Author: Kiki

Title: Rules

Author: [info] midnightdiddle </lj> Kiki (Hey-Diddle-Diddle)

Traductora: Meng Die

: General/Tragedia

Rating : PG-13

Summary : Existen reglas en el Equipo Gai. Las reglas se hicieron por Ten Ten. Equipo Gai centric.

N. de la Autora : Para bitethehandthatfeeds.


Hay reglas entre los miembros del Equipo Gai. Las reglas se remain silent and nobody ever talks about them.

The first rule is, not the Team Gai, not anymore. That name was lost sometime during the death of TenTen, between respiracióny the next, when his heart stopped, his farm was killed and his soul was.

The second rule is to not talk to anyone outside the team is no longer the Team Gai. Do not have time to intruders, for people who can not see, do not know, do not understand. Because now the Not-Team-Gai, is the most comprehensive.

The third (and final) rule is that they do not die. Never . Drag their rear unhappy return after each mission that sent them, because they're better than anyone. They are better for her because she was better for them, and they never disappoint. Never.

These rules are recorded in Lee's head, along with the rules about opening doors and protect your loved ones and other things I try not to remember. But remember, anyway, and follow the rules to the letter, because that's the kind of guy who Lee is. Only it's not really a guy. There was a guy from the hand of TenTen cool in his, and Gai-sensei's ripped from his grasp, and tried to kill his sensei more than anyone in the world. That was the day that Lee became a man.

Neji never did.

He is worse than Lee, Lee can feel it. Lee knows that Gai-sensei can feel it too. Neji takes more missions than the rest, because Neji can not live in Konoha, where every place is turning around girls that are not there, a girl who is dead, dead and missing, abandoned in the golden fields to rot because there was no time.

Neji is a little crazy.

That does not bother much to Lee, because Lee Neji sees things that have never been and never will, so Lee will make exceptions only for Neji. Is another rule, but this is Lee, his alone. It is "caring for Neji, because Neji can not take care of yourself." Because Neji is too busy watching other things, like poison corazóny beat the bloodstream and how the chakra flows out gradually until TenTen is dead, fríay pale again and again.

Neji So when it comes to Lee, narrowed eyes, hands rough and bloody ANBU uniform, Lee continues to Neji outside the walls of Konoha, to the fields where grains are high, golden and beautiful, of a repulsive form. And then Lee remains silent, as it has been since it's TenTen and Neji allows removing her clothes, piece by piece, and allows Neji to touch on all sides with the calloused tips of his fingers, and allows Neji look and look until the boy that will never be a man collapsed by stress, too many tasks, too little and insufficient chakra will. Then

Lee Neji attracted to him, accommodates Neji so they are shoulder to shoulder as comrades, and lying in the wheat field. Watch the high wheat while they escondiéndlos swings around to everyone and everything except the big, wide blue sky, and hopes to come kunai and a girl with ribbons in her hair to take home. But she never comes, and when it finally appears Gai-sensei, in the last hours of the day when the sky is rather dark, rather Neji rather absent fríoy Lee, Gai- sensei never says anything.

is a rule.

The original author is planning to remove your lj, and the number of fics that are only there is a real lastimay great loss to the fandom, having if I can save my favorite but I do not have the time enough; _;


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