Thursday, November 20, 2008

Welcome Back Ideas For Sororities

Mission accomplished? ♥ Red Eye xDDDDDDDD

Konnichi wa! Awww
muxo q does not write
I have spent many many things
good some bad and I will write here
demases * 000 *
most private things good, what happened I had one eye done melda
horribly red, and it was not conjunctivitis
oO but I always wake up at night with jakekas
and did not sleep until I was forced to go
ophthalmologist, and good = _ =
There I said it was not what I
iq Kreia was a very serious thing that even I could leave
blind in one eye ,..........
then that blank
......................................... ..........................
was wrong ... far cry TT and demases
but gave me some remedies ........
and were expensive .. (Mealkanzabaparaelnuevodvddealiceninemassusunsingleyelnuevoalbumque Seviene
xD) T ^ T I do not like to spend
much for me ... but anyway .. I feel better eye
.. but still see blurry .. I will not go blind
T. ....... T would be the worst that could happen
m in order ... other problem was with my family
, my depression, and things I was doing, they were not really normal
T. .. T but I can not say they were ....(
estoi loka @ _ @) I felt
evil .... more top .. and school
say ........ pa q kjaksjasjaksjkajskasjakskasksj
Well, today I found out I had a red
and only 5 milecimas mmm I was missing?
was something like 3.8 and if I had T_T (truncheon know) but with 5 milecimas
ascended to 3.9 m to 4 T_T i that i do not succeed
thought the worst ... but now in another class had bad
q * 000 * pass it I did my best basketball
test i was well *---* me pass that field, only red m kedo
preokupa SM ahoraa what my friend Shin T_______T He has passed
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! q now in the
kole kon eia melissa tnbn T_T! Uxa .. Q T_T have happen!! Wn
.. the teacher is so bad TT d language kostas not top 5 milecimas
nothing to eios q
both need puuu

(* ^ *) 9 fight! \u0026lt;- Like yuki says that

xDDDDDDDD kajsajskakjsak ......... Ahh I'm happy xq
someone who I thought did not care
is preokupa from me .. , O; lalalalala I esteem n______n tantoooo! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


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