Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sample Letter For Telephone Disconnection

Hi! ~ u_u good ..... as usual I have little q
xq xD I do nothing but top sjaskjas q q
days ago in my right eye is blurry .. I
problems and this is annoying red >/////////\u0026lt;
morning tendre q kalle out to so> 0 \u0026lt;
Finally .. more tests tomorrow ... and my salvation
Unika is tomorrow ... M T_T hopefully get it right ... my mom
is so confident that I will be fine .. but what
has spent the week .. Everything goes from bad to worse T____T
Finally ......................... Today was hot and nothing = _ =
boku no piko saw yesterday was horrible horrible
u_u but the vere nunk T______T the shotacon me; 0;
hate it! ~ U_U I cheated ... when you see a certain person
'll give him something (¬ 3 ¬) or ammm q else? ate pizza .. x3 ...... Oiishi
and that my mom asked me out and I would not u_u
sunny days .. are bad for my skin u_u jaibosa after all .. I'm
ii it looks bad ..... T_____T money T_T
Kero Kero Shou-kun!! kero holidays! ~ u___u


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