Friday, January 14, 2011

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Patrick Swayze

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famous Hollywood actor Patrick Swayze (Patrick Swayze) died on Monday at the age of 57, said. Cause of death for the actor, famous for his work in the film "Dirty Dancing» (Dirty Dancing) and "Ghost» (Ghost), has a heart clot, formed as a result of Patrick Swayze complications in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. The diagnosis of pancreatic cancer was staged Swayze in January 2008, at the same time the doctors said that he would live no longer than 5 years. Despite the heavy treatment, Patrick Swayze bravely latest news struggled with the disease and continued to work. Peak fame Patrick Swayze was in the 80-90-years of the last century. In 1991 People magazine named him "Sexiest man alive today." Swayze worked as a dancer in New York since 1972, since 1985, appeared in the television series "North and South", dedicated to the American Civil War. In 1987, Swayze played a dance teacher in the movie "Dirty Dancing" and this film has received international acclaim, the actor did a really famous. The film "Ghost", where Swayze starred with Demi Moore (Demi Moore) and Whoopi Goldberg (Whoopi Goldberg), brought Patrick Swayze latest Oscar. In 2004, Patrick Swayze, Patrick Swayze played a small role in the movie "Dirty Dancing 2", then played Agent FBI in the series "The Beast» (The Beast).

Today also learned about the death of a British comedian Felix Bowness (Felix Bowness), who died aged 87, said. "Around the World" said that scientists were able to establish Patrick Swayze. It causes a low

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levels of certain blood proteins that regulate weight and physical activity of the human body.

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