Monday, January 17, 2011

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Start treaty

Kirk is a commander in the Navy Reserve who calls himself a national-security hawk. He served in the House for almost 10 years before entering the Senate.
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He made lengthy remarks
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before the vote, saying the nuclear threat in the 21st century had moved beyond Russia to include Iran and North Korea. He said the two smaller nations soon will

RTR Planeta online

have nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them. Kirk said the START treaty, while laudable in its goals, "went awry at the negotiating table" and weakened the "future defense of our nation." He said he was concerned the treaty's preamble would limit or block efforts by Congress to upgrade missile defense systems. He concluded by urging the administration to "devote the time and effort of our able diplomats to ending the Iranian nuclear program."

Durbin, though, has quoted Defense Secretary Robert Gates in disputing the pact would start treaty impose limits on missile defense. Durbin said start treaty reducing the number of U.S. and Russian nuclear weapons not only makes the world safer but persuades other nations to "halt their destabilizing practices."


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