Monday, January 24, 2011

Different Types Services At A Church

Nicholas Basque

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religious sect girls raped, and made orgy
URGENT. On Earth, found little aliens.
Shock! Scientists have transplanted animal a human brain ... And here, what happened!
found serious branding mistake that Medvedev in the air!

He star Ballet and emulate students dance schools, but still a good son and loyal friend. On why he jealous colleagues and the public adores, Nicholas Tsiskaridze told our correspondent Elena Makarova.

his chest in the Order
the Bolshoi Theatre has always worked and are working artists, loved by the authorities. About myself I can not say that I do not like. I am - the titular artist in my generation in the Russian ballet. I Do not favored: two state awards, one received 27 years, the second - in 28. First gave a contribution to the art, the second for "The Queen of Spades." People for years waiting for their turn. For the "Queen of Spades" was awarded personally three people: the choreographer, Ilze Liepa and me. And my theater never will not put forward, it was a magazine "Ballet", or "Golden Mask" or some kind of theater company. In one day called and said that I was given the Order of France, that is the country which invented himself ballet. Was so nice, because after a generation Vasilyeva, Plisetskaya and Grigorovich's nobody this order in our country has not received. There are three stages: Chevalier, Officer, Commander. Maya Mikhailovna already commander, and I - Knight of the Order of the Chevalier.
And I - the owner of the Order of Honor of Georgia. Got it in the last few months of President Eduard Shevardnadze. I forget everything for that, you should read ... I think for something good. And it turned out. I flew to Georgia for 71 years of my mother. Could not go on the 70 th anniversary and go to her grave. Upon arrival, they asked me to dance performance. I'm always dancing in Tbilisi for free, like all who went out of Georgia. During the performance I was approached by director Nicholas Basque theater and asked: "You have to have a decent clothes?" "What's wrong?" - I asked in turn. "Tomorrow, we will go to the president. You give Nicholas Basque Order. " I was given the Order of the birthday of my mother - I think she was given.

«I do not know you in makeup»
I was told that after my appearance in the famous commercials kids in stores asking them to buy a chocolate bar with Tsiskaridze. I rarely go down in the subway, but in those days, when we holidays, and Moscow is once again going crazy, cutting off center, but I can not get to work. Policemen do not pay me as a person of Caucasian nationality Nicholas Basque attention, rather, they take me for a foreigner.
confirmation of this speculation was a gay event in the third-
yakovskoy gallery. On me at that time had already poked his finger in the street, smiling, greeted. And here we are with your friends came to visit the exposition. Serve Nicholas Basque five tickets. Suddenly, from somewhere Rear supervisor says: "And he needed a ticket for a foreigner!" It took me for a hard-fisted foreign tourists. Well what can I do - just laugh.
And Mick Jagger would not know if it did not run ahead of his guards. I've seen a million times, how are Keanu Reeves and Tom Cruise and nobody knows.
And we have pop stars, who are barely out of the car you-
go, and already waving their arms ... I have no one else going to impress. On the street.

NITKA backstitch
somewhere abroad, I was walking down the street and saw Nicholas Basque beautiful set for embroidery. Bought and embroider. Then, slowly, that passion is gone. But sometimes, when I have the desire and time, I sit and embroider with great pleasure -
and any appliances.
It all began with the fact that, sitting next to my Ukrainian nanny, watching her actions crochet, knitting and sewing. All that time I was wearing was made by her hands. We have a house she had embroidered towels, pillowcases, tablecloths. Nanny taught me everything, hook here have not knit ...
When I was in Ballet School, we were given ballet slippers, which produce the WTO. In They could not do, it was torturous latest news pads, "English boots"! And the shoes of the Bolshoi Theatre, which could be purchased with it, cost 10 rubles - by Soviet standards, very expensive. These shoes are my mom could only buy once a month. Then the scene was not plastic, wood floor watered, and this news space shoes quickly rubbed. We are their darning, darn ... And so for eight years.
When I came to work in Great theater, I had a lot of shoes - much as I want! But the thrust led needle was left, because newspaper Airborne Stavropol that this was used. Generally, all ballet artists perfectly controlled with a needle, every theatrical customize shoes for your foot, because only he knows where his pet peeve.

Sabretooth FRIENDS
I never complained about sport, there I did not want. Enjoyed art, theater as a phenomenon. My mother was a teacher of physics and mathematics, so the pedagogical world know since childhood. But the theater remained closed zone, I wanted to get backstage. Once there while attending college, was disappointed: he saw how all gasp, wince in pain. It was so frustrating because I did it easily and without pain. All strings - just by nature a combination of very mobile joints and soft muscles and ligaments. That such abilities, so was born! At me all the trembling and adored.
Now I have another kind of problem - Recently pruned gum on the shoe. The most annoying in the story that he was a dresser, with whom I have always worked, could not attend the show. If he was, that the suit would have been all right. It's a shame so many years have passed already all have to accept that I exist, that I - the main dancer of the country. To this there are objective reasons. What experience something?

How I got bored when on the atmosphere of the Grand Theatre, described as a thoroughly hypocritical and cruel! Indeed, now the theater has been a trend, when the troupe can get a random person and a mediocre actor. Such people are not under what conditions should not work at the Bolshoi. In the USSR, this would never happen, because they were hudsovet, the leadership to listen to the "whales". Today, Nicholas Basque everything has changed: can be said that the caretaker Vasya will lead a ballet. Then there is an entire industry crazy kritikess, writing that Uncle Vasya - the only savior of the Russian Ballet. And we show articles - you see, write the same ... When you begin to oppose it vehemently this absurdity, once there is talk that you speak badly about the theater. No way! Theatre nothing useful, except a good feeling, does not produce, and we do not have nothing but wonderful feeling, to produce. But it can only do exceptionally talented and gifted people.

Call me quietly by name ...
At birth I was given the normal Georgian name of Nick. Kolya, I was in Russia. Nicolai live in Russia, Niki Nicholas Basque - in Georgia. But I long for your cat did not know what to call it, nothing to it do not catch: no sylph, or Odelia ... More than a month went to the house nameless. One day, take it and jump off the table, so yes awkward! Glass of water tipped over, the Gulf of paper and CDs, rolled, fell to the floor and shattered. All in fragments! I shouted to her heart: "Why are you such a sad sack!" She stopped and turned a guilty face to me. Since then, and became Tyapoy on this name began to respond.

DO NOT WANT TO, I will not!
I do not want and will not learn drive a car. In Moscow, with my psychological background is better not to sit behind the wheel. I drive where no people where there is no danger that the embedding of someone or vrezhutsya in me.
to the plate do not fit, though I can cook everything. Nurse taught me this - no one did not know what life will be ... You know, people who have passed the war, deprivation, advance site wikileaks instinctively prepare their children to different skills and life skills. I'm rusty, how to make satsivi, lobio, but if you itch for the three hours restored in memory of Nicholas Basque and dress. I must say that I have a good hand and I am preparing tasty. I also learned: do so, do Space News commercials - but there was no traction to the process of cooking. Never do what I do not want. I've thought of to eat - potatoes vanessa leon fire. I - Georgian man who wants to come, sit down and filed to eat.

Nicholas Basque

Corporation PMI is:
March 7 face py Newspaper 2011
Oktyabrsky Concert Hall »
Nicholas Basque
with the new" Close to you »

It seems that the spring is still so far away? But do not have time to otshumet New Year's holidays, as all thoughts will prepare for the most important holiday of spring. And the main holder of the Russian stage whom we lost in 2010 Nicholas Basque prepared for the beautiful ladies welcome gift! March 7 at the scene of the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall Nicholas Basque introduce a new program - "Near with you. "

At the turn of the millennia, in record time he soared to the top of the charts, sang a beautiful party at the scene of the first theater of the country, released several solo albums, has won wide popularity and the love of the public. But the singer did not forget to look into the northern capital. Unfortunately, only once a year, the singer can not please us with their performance. But it seems that it has already become a tradition that every year, Nicholas Nicholas Basque Basque hurry by 7 March St. Petersburg to the very first of the men Nicholas Basque congratulate all women of St. Petersburg!

name of the new program has recently recorded a song that already risen to the top of Russian charts. New Nicholas Basque show will be a big surprise for the audience! Spectators will see a colorful show at the highest level: unique scenery, beautiful costumes, original productions dancing, flawless execution, have your favorite hits from the Golden Voice of Russia, and Nikolai Basque is preparing several prime!

His talent, charm and gallantry captivated millions of hearts all over the world! Whatever executed Nicholas complex roles, popular European, Russian folk or pop songs, his voice sings of love. It flows through the heart of each song, putting in the process of creating composition not only vocal prowess, but also the soul. People's Artist of Russia, winner of the Medal of peacemaking and charitable activities, multiple winner of the Russian national premium "Ovation", a national music award "Golden Gramophone", winner of the award for Singer of the Year "by "Song of the Year 2010" ... a list of his awards can be more easily extended, but the same is always his amazing voice that will sound only You on March 7 at the scene of the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall ». @

After the scandal because of the beating Marina Yablokov Basque publicly expressed his outrage Nicholas Basque fires in enterprises in 2010 behavior Kirkorov. However, in one of New Year's corporative singer decided to change his temper justice with mercy and brought Kirkorov apologies.

Bedrosovich Philip said nothing, but the reconciliation Epiphany divination singers who appear to take place.

TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva lenta ru posted a photograph of the two social networks of actors during a trip on a tour to Kiev. In the photo sleeping singers friendly clung to each other. Nicholas Basque laid his head on the shoulder of his colleagues on the shop floor, and Philip bowed his soft cap on "golden voice" of Russia.


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