Saturday, January 15, 2011

Why Would My Pj501 Power Light Flashes

Fires in enterprises in 2010

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the Name of Allah, Gracious and Merciful.

Today, the will of Allah we are at the training base in the division of Abdullah, Emir of the Mujahideen, who are here uchebke. Head of the Training Centre is Sheikh Abu Supyan.

By the grace of Allah and the will of Allah, the Almighty has brought us together today because that all of us - the Mujahideen entered the path of Jihad to establish the law of Allah on this earth.

Inshallah, we are confident and convinced that this is the way to Paradise. Inshallah therefore, all the brothers who lead the Jihad all over the world are our brothers for the sake of Allah, and we're now going one way, and this way, inshallah, in Paradise.

In Paradise, Inshallah, our brothers who have gone before us and inshallah we hope to be surrounded by the Prophet (pbuh) if we are sincere in this way, and if we are sincere to establish laws of Allah on this earth.

I want today in a few words describe the situation in the world, because if even thousands of miles separate us, those Mujahedeen who lead the Jihad in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir and many, many other places - they are our brothers we are today (with them) defend the laws of Allah on this earth.

against us and against the Mujahedeen today stands Iblis and his army.

begin we have with Afghanistan. Praise be to Allah, Afghanistan-suffering country, but a great Barakah of those brothers who are there today Jihad. Today, our brothers in Afghanistan, control 70% of the territory of Afghanistan, and we have every day on radio and internet news we hear from our brothers and Jihad in Afghanistan is

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well and successfully.

in Afghanistan against eho moskvi our brothers are Christian-Zionist fires in enterprises in 2010, forces led by America, that preaches this particular religion.

In Pakistan fires at enterprises in 2010 and is a major jihad in the mountains that border the Afghanistan, where the Americans confront our brothers.

In Kashmir too is Jihad, where against

eho moskvi

our brothers are fighting the Indian nations. Inshallah, we also know that the African continent - in Somalia, Mali, Algeria and elsewhere is Jihad, and our brothers fires in factories in 2010 (in Africa) also successfully compete in this way.

against fire in enterprises in 2010, we are waging a war the army of Iblis. Under this flag, united Americans who preach today, Christian Zionism and European atheists who do not profess any religion.

We know why this war is deployed against the Muslims! All this is done to this fire in enterprises in 2010, the land there was not a piece of land of Dar al-Salam, where Muslims could live by the laws of Allah, because the law of Allah hates Iblis. And all those hordes who head the army of Iblis, this is their henchmen.

We know that the heart of jihad was to be Palestine, and I would be very happy to say that Palestine is the Jihad. But the Jihad in Palestine today can be called a stretch, because in Palestine slogans in 1967: an independent Palestine, the capital of Jerusalem, etc.

Today Palestine to manipulate are giving the enemies of Islam to act as "defenders of Muslims."

Today Jihad is in the Caucasus - go to our site Jihad. Praise be to Allah to whom we will do in the Caucasus jihad against fires in enterprises in 2010, the most despicable among the kafir infidels against Russia.

Russia among the infidels, the most despised country. The ideology of this country, this is the legacy of communist-atheist.

In 2007, when we declared Emirate, they (Russia) did not pay attention to our proclamation, our statement that we refuse to Taguchi, that we join the fires in factories in 2010 to our brothers, who in the world today are doing Jihad.

But when

Moskovsky Komsomolets

they have seen the strength of our brotherhood when

Moskovsky Komsomolets

they were convinced that we are on real fires in enterprises in 2010 the way that Iblis in their (Russia), the person began to experience fires enterprises in 2010, our ranks.

first test, we felt the in 2009 and early 2010, when we had fires in enterprises in 2010, a number of major fires in enterprises in 2010, our Amir: Magas, Saifullo - Kabardian, Musa Mukozhev, Saifullo Dagestan, Daud - Dagestan and a number of emirs of Nokhchicho (Ichkeria).

primarily Shatrala, Sawabe, Selim Aslan and many, many others today, and if all of them to list, so do not enumerate ... Khamzat - Urban ...

Well, we survived this test, and when Iblis saw this, then brought us fitnah and this Fitna by intelligence infidels and sit abroad puppets, entered fires in enterprises in 2010 in our ranks, and made a split.

I will try in a few words to outline three or four reasons that I see in this fitnah.

first reason, of course, is that when the fires in enterprises in 2010, our Prophet (pbuh) made dua and asked Allah to answer his three requests, then the two (requests) were given to fire on the plants in 2010, positive responses, but on the third request that the in the Ummah was no fitnah was no answer.

We know that in any case will be fitnah among the Muslims before us and after us and that we can not avoid.

second reason in my own shortcomings.

Yes, today I say I am not a saint and me these shortcomings probably more than any of the Mujahideen, but my deficiencies can never fires at enterprises in 2010 to be a reason for being out of Byatt making fires in enterprises in 2010, a split among the Mujahideen.

question my shortcomings should be addressed Sharia court - the law

Local News

Allah, for which we all ordered to live.

A If I do not go to court and if you do not obey the laws of Allah, the question can be solved by the sword, as it was pointed more at the righteous Caliph Umar ibn Khattab. True Fires in enterprises in 2010, today the sword we have replaced the automaton that is the same.

If today the split fires in enterprises in 2010 was caused by my shortcomings, our brothers, who have organized this fitnah and contributed to this

in Tomsk

split, on sight turned to me that to fix my mistakes, correct the fires in enterprises in 2010, my weaknesses and be my advisors.

But I saw from our brothers another. Upon arrival at the place they called me on the Majlis, which was organized in the disposition of three against one, although one newspaper Prime Kharkov of them do not have to attend the Majlis, as in this case, it was supposed to attend fires in factories in 2010 and Khamzat having their equivalent position among the Mujahideen as Naib fires in factories in 2010 and as Emir.

there (on the Majlis) was supposed to be Supyan, Sheikh Supyan my advisor and an old veteran of the mujahedeen, who attended all the Majlis. But was not invited nor Khamzat nor Supyan.

When we started to the Majlis, the first question, which fires at facilities in 2010, they raised was that the latest decision

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should remain with the Majlis, but not for Amir, but I countered that this is not, and this was not.

Our brother Muhannad swore by Allah that it was under Maskhadov (Shaheed Inshallah) so was when Abdul-Halim (Shaheed fires in enterprises in 2010 inshallah). When we sent for the testimony of Abu Supyan, our dispute decided in my favor that there was no so nothing to do with Maskhadov or with Abdul-Halim that the decision rests with the Emir, because he is responsible before Allah for all actions of each mujahid.

After that, our brothers (and everyone who was present there are witnesses to this) said that instead of the Emirate must create some emirates, like something like the United Fires in enterprises in 2010, the Arab emirates.

Emirates means that they are entitled to their own policies, the right to self-Amir, the right on its own cabinet, the right to withdraw from the emirate at any time, and the right to conduct domestic and foreign policy at its own discretion.

When this too was refused, they started asking me to allow them to create, that is, that they can Nokhchicho Province to create a cabinet, appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and conduct independent negotiations, though I do not know with whom, but they convinced me that the negotiations will be, and that these negotiations уже на носу, и что, мол, после этого мы уже будем помогать другим братьям освобождаться, как-будто Иблис дремлет, и как будто кафир спит и позволит это.


When all the requests they have been denied and when I said that this will not happen, I went to their offer - reasonable proposal which could take - the appointment of Amir Wilayah fires in enterprises in 2010 Nokhchicho. I thought, if they see this benefit, it may be more promising for our Jihad.

the appointment of Naib Amir of the Caucasus - is also reasonable proposal. But once they're gone with my appointments, they raised Mujahideen and all sorts of undignified attack on the Emir, for which there is a Sharia punishment of fire in enterprises in 2010, organized this fitnah, and today We hear claims that they are supposedly not against the Emirate, and that they are only against the Amir Abu-Usman!

I declare that this is hypocrisy - this is the most

compraventa, es

now hypocrisy! If they were against the Abu Uthman, then we have a Sharia is alim, alhamduliLlah, God gave it to us, and these issues must be addressed specifically by Shariah.

We know that the Sharia, if Amir had not committed kufr, if Amir fires in enterprises in 2010 will not turn away from Jihad, praise be to Allah, I did not do and, inshallah, is not going to do ... fire in enterprises in 2010, which would be cruel, no matter how unjust Amir was not (he will answer before Epiphany frosts Allah) from the Amir Bayat not allow anyone to leave!

Today I hear the unworthy conversations that are on the internet that are maintained by TV and radio, where they say - "that we had to wait until he raises the cross?".

answer - Yes, you should have to wait for this, because in this If you yourself would be easier just to come and address this issue with the machine.

But people who now claim it until 2008, sat out somewhere throughout Europe, Abu Uthman was doing jihad, and did not raise the cross and praise be to Allah, not going to pick it up because I was a weapon and it went from the great banner people who left this world before me.

I see this as a second reason inshallah. This cause ... among us today is Alim, Inshallah on the way there More Alim, therefore the court will decide issues.

blame Abu Uthman? Hence, Abu Uthman bear his own punishment. Blame the brothers that are now organized fitnah, Inshallah, they will suffer their punishment, and there's no doubt. And even if in this world, they escape punishment, then it will bear the Day of Judgement, before Allah.

better and easier for them to postpone the punishment here on this earth than there is in the world of the future.

This is the second reason. I say again, yes this is the reason in my faults, my oversight ...

third reason is important too. There are some of our leaders, who today sits out abroad, and, turning his back on jihad, through lies and deception even under Maskhadov abandoned Jihad, pulled from the Caucasus, and were taken in a satanic club opened a notorious Berezovsky.

These our actors were taken to the club of their masters in the fires at enterprises in 2010, hoping to have some influence fires at enterprises in 2010 on the Mujahedeen, whom they could handle themselves against their enemies, using them like a red rag.

Sees God that our enemies - is enemies of Allah, and we quarrel with them because they are enemies of Allah and not to indulge there Berezovsky or appease Satan. We quarrel with them because they are enemies of Allah!

So, these figures can not possibly settle down now. But we will not allow themselves to manipulate. After the proclamation of the Emirate of us will not manipulate anybody, we are the true mujahideen and stand on the true path and true fire in enterprises in 2010, want to uphold the law of Allah and establish it is in fact entrusted to a site that Allah has given us - in the Caucasus.

these figures, we know about whom we speak, can not calm down. They know that when their owners - Berezovsky fires in enterprises in 2010, and others realize that they have no influence on the Mujahedeen, there is this "map", they are simply thrown out of this club. Therefore, these figures today are doing everything possible to obfuscate the Mujahedeen brains to trick these Mujahideen.

By Allah, I do not take offense at these Mujahideen, because these figures deceived me! By Allah, lie! Prior to 2007, while I rely on God, not given of their services, from bond fires at enterprises in 2010 with these people, these people lied to me!

And not just me! Our previous Emir Maskhadov was killed as Once he began to fire at the enterprises in 2010 to negotiate with these people!

Follow our Amir Abdul-Halim Sadulayev was killed just as soon as with these figures, talks, mediators were these figures!

I personally saw, and when I was asked to conduct these negotiations, that I fires at enterprises in 2010 are also ready for the slaughter, and after I gave up all of this, praise be to Allah my heart is freed from it.

Today, these leaders have found other people to defraud. We know their letters, we know about their relationship, so I swear by God, offended that we allow themselves to use these figures.

Because today we sacrifice the most precious gift of Allah - their souls, and at the same time, we can not abandon these Iblis of these henchmen fires in enterprises in 2010 Iblis. So I ask the brothers, who today under the delusion that they came to their senses and not astray.

By Allah, if all the people in this world, unite, they can not negotiate and they are not be any good if it is not the will of Allah, and all the people united against you can not cause you harm, except that is predetermined by Allah!

If there are talks, there will be only the will of Allah, if my


will win, it will be only by the will of Allah!

fourth reason is also important.

This is not the proper performance commanders of the fronts of their duties, those two fronts, which fires at enterprises in 2010 were part of Vilayat Nohchiycho. During that today these emirs removed?

If these emirs properly performed their duties on procurement of food for the Mujahideen, for the procurement of ammunition for the Mujahideen on procurement of weapons for the Mujahideen, for the procurement of medicines and hospitals for the Mujahideen, the Mujahideen of those speeches in which they accused me of all these shortcomings, I think these statements would not be.

If the Amir of Mujahideen of the Caucasus today is obliged to procure for himself a mujahid bread and salt, ammunition, medicines to treat it, I think that even with the most fires at enterprises in 2010 his outstanding opportunity to make

is impossible.

Therefore, из-за того, что эти амиры не выполняли надлежащим образом свои обязанности, это вызвало возмущение муджахидов и тоже содействовало фитне.  

Поэтому these emirs today removed from their positions, praise be to Allah, and today these fronts disbanded, and it will be a subsequent decree inshallah.

Today I want to appeal to all Muslims - Muslims living in the Caucasus in the first place, living and seeking connection


us - Muslims fires at enterprises in 2010, Idel-Ural, Bashkortostan, Tatarstan. We feel your fire in enterprises in 2010 support, we feel connected to you, know that you now have supporters know that today you do Jihad in Allah's way.

also appeal to all fires in enterprises in 2010, fellow Muslims living for some reason in Europe fires in factories in 2010 and in other countries, I appeal to you - I swear by Allah, today we love you all! Love fires enterprises in 2010 and also for our sake of Allah! Do not make the split in our ranks, and make fires in enterprises in 2010 dua that Allah has united us, that we were united.

you live fires at enterprises in 2010 on the sidelines, in other lands, and every day we walking together and die together here! Today we are closing each other's eyes

compraventa es

after death, weeping over the bodies of their brothers, and when the fires in enterprises in 2010, with your words, your mistakes, your desires Fires in enterprises in 2010 introduced the split, I swear by Allah that all of you will be asked to Allah for their actions.

So I ask you, do Fires in enterprises in 2010 dua to fires in enterprises in 2010 in our midst was not split, so we were united. Ask Allah to help us establish laws of Allah, because each person ordered to live under these laws, and everyone fires at enterprises in 2010 who did not live in these laws will be questioned.

Inshallah I finish my treatment, and I want to finish verse from the Koran that the ranks of the Mujahideen have fires at enterprises in 2010 to unite as a monolith in a fire at the enterprises of the 2010 effort. I want to fire at the enterprises in 2010, you have to call for unity that we all were in one piece.

May Allah help us on the right track, and if we go astray somewhere, then let Allah guide us on the right path.


Division Monitoring

KC in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" report came a specially created commission that investigated the cause of the explosion at the plant Pinskdrev. Employees MOE, the General Prosecutor's Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs, KGB, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Security Council more than a month found out that led to such large-scale tragedy. Recall October 25 in the shop ADI "Pinskdrev" explosion. 14 people were killed and 5 wounded

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remain in hospitals.
We show you the most outrageous and interesting facts of this investigation.

Leaders Pinskdrev "did not respond to comments - The audit Pinsky gorrayotdelom of Emergency Situations in June, 2010 (...) the Director of the enterprise Logvina LN issued a determination to carry out 95-T activities. From the precept is seen that a number of activities not performed since 1998. ... For breaking the rules fires at enterprises in 2010 fire officials are sooo guilty Pinskdrev-DSP ", year fires enterprises in 2010, a year brought to administrative responsibility.

fires extinguished by 12:00

- During 2009-2010, there were numerous facts of fire in the premises of the enterprise and the repeated visits to the fires of departmental professional fire protection guard JSC "Holding Pinskdrev (sometimes up to 4 times per day). Reference: Fire suppression in the shop for the production of chipboard June 8, 2010 lasted for about 12 hours, quenching fire June 30, 2010 - more than 2 hours. These facts are not brought Pinsk GROCHS and, in turn, were not considered as fire.

Victims of the company has in the past

- So, 11 May 1997 at the plant chipboard collective association Pinskdrev of the presence of high concentrations of dust in the premises of the main sections of the plant in the presence of an ignition source, formed during the destruction of the fires in factories in 2010, crushers, bulk explosion occurred, accompanied by fire, which injured seven people, including two workers from his injuries died in hospital.

With the new line had constant problems

- Land for the production of wood pellets created by JV Pinskdrev-DSP in August fires in enterprises in 2010, 2007. In this area in March In 2010 installed a second line for the production of pellets, with the start of operation that continually arise various fires in enterprises in 2010, sort of the problem (power crushing plant did not meet the stated requirements; periodically crouch receiver wood chips, do not conform to standards dust emissions, and in September-October 2010, twice has been a source of fire occurrence at the site of crushing of sawdust, which was eliminated
my Orsk
forces personnel company).

Injuries on "Pinskdrev" was the norm

- In 2009, there was three casualties with severe outcome, which resulted in the injured 3 people over 10 months of 2010 - 5 accidents with severe outcome, and 1 - fatal and group accident, which occurred Oct. 25 fire at the enterprises in 2010, 2010. The main causes of industrial accidents at the enterprises of JSC "Holding Pinskdrev were unsatisfactory maintenance jobs and weaknesses in their organization, lack of proper supervision by responsible officials for compliance with the process, the violation victims of labor and production discipline. workers in an explosion blamed guide

- in work collectives of enterprises of JSC "Holding Pinskdrev formed an opinion that the blame for the emergency is not only the leadership sooo Pinskdrev-DSP, but also more fires at enterprises in 2010 on the management of JSC "Holding Pinskdrev, little attention is given safety requirements and safety in the organization of production process.

CEO was convinced of their impunity

- Ignoring the leadership of JSC "Holding Pinskdrev prescriptions
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state regulatory authorities, primarily the state fire supervision, largely due to the personal conviction of impunity due to the presence of influential fires in enterprises in 2010 ties in various government agencies, both local and national significance. LS Arinich fires in factories in 2010, in 2009-2010, had never attended fires at enterprises in 2010 at meetings of the Pinsk municipal executive committee, which considered issues of state security
Patrick Swayze
and fire safety in enterprises managed by him company.

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