Sunday, January 23, 2011

Backyard Greenhouses In Sydney

Anton Makarskij

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State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss Anton Makarsky Anton Makarsky published on December 8 report on a number of flaws in the system of fire protection in Israel. It states that the fire protection in the Jewish state is low, there long-term deficit of personnel, special equipment for fire fighting and protective equipment necessary transport, including aircraft for fire fire, and many others, reported.

document published a few bonnet knitting needles days after the funeral kadetova Andrew scale in northern Israel that killed 42 people and has caused enormous material and ecological damage to the state. In general, the report state controller closely follows previous work on this problem, but this year the interest to the report Lindenstrauss is extremely high, and the threat hanging over the government officials and others responsible for the disastrous state of fire protection in Israel is quite palpable, the newspaper notes.

Auditor Stresses: with the end of the Second Lebanon War, the situation with the fire safety in Israel not only has not improved: it is many times worse, and at the moment Israeli firefighters simply unable to deal with major emergencies.


Lindenstrauss said that the decision to establish-Israeli management of fire protection and rescue services was approved in May 2008, the government led by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. But in the past Anton Makarsky two and a half years, the Interior Ministry, which controls fire services, not even drafted a bill and not prepared a plan to create the above-mentioned departments, the document said.

Auditor reported that the work in this direction began in the Ministry of Internal Affairs only after a meeting in May this year, Lindenstrauss's office, exploring the situation in the field of fire safety, with the leadership of the ministry. Only after that MVD filed a request to the Government to increase the budget agency, intended for the purchase of modern fire fighting equipment, upgrading fire stations, purchase new Anton Makarsky communication systems for firefighters, a school fire training and involvement in the structure of the new fire eho moskvi workers. However, this request was not satisfied.

list of culprits in the catastrophic situation with the fire safety in Israel, given Lindenstrauss, includes the names of Interior Minister Eli Yishai and his predecessor, Anton Makarsky post Meir Sheetrit, Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, the leaders of many ministries and agencies.

Thus, state controller acknowledged that the chairman of the ultra- Shas, Eli Yishai, who served as interior minister, repeatedly conveyed to the Government requirements for Fire Service managers need to provide additional funds for the modernization of Anton Makarsky departments, but enough perseverance he has not shown and achieved nothing.

For Ministry finances are much more important and priorities, and request the heads of fire protection for years Anton Makarsky not fulfilled. Ministry of Finance linked list of additional budget for fire protection with the reform in this area, which enabled Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz avoid appropriation of funds for Anton Makarsky fire.

Lindenstrauss Victoria Djachuk photo also indicated that Defense Minister Ehud Barak did not accept no part in the field of fire protection, while its function is to ensure the security of the population and control over the rear services. In accordance Government's decision of 2007, Ehud Barak, should lead the rear services in emergency my Orsk situations, however, during the forest fire Mount Caramel defense minister was inactive, and management of Anton Makarsky rear services operated satisfactorily.

Office of the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has already published a commentary on the report state controller. It indicates that the report will be scrutinized Lindenstrauss and all of its recommendations will be considered and adopted by Anton Makarsky for execution. In a short time in Israel Anton Makarsky be established National Search and Fire Department and rescue services.

Representatives Office of the Prime Minister indicated that Netanyahu has appointed a special commission under the leadership of Youth Championship World Hockey head of his office Eyalya Gabay. This commission would study the recommendations of the state controller and develop their own recommendations on Questions lenta ru disaster fire at Mount Caramel and Anton Makarsky improvements in fire safety as a whole.

Recall forest fire raged in northern Israel for four days. Killed 42 people. Most of the victims - the guards are located on Mount Caramel, south of Haifa, prisons, which involved the evacuation of prisoners. In addition, from serious injuries during this mission, the police chief died in Haifa Auva Tomer.

In total, the fires for four days, Anton Makarsky covered about 5 thousand hectares of forest. The operation to extinguish forest fires were involved more than 1000 firefighters from both Israel and even from 15 countries worldwide. To extinguish the fire were involved in about 40 airplanes and helicopters, arrived in Israel from Russia, U.S., Britain, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Italy, France, Switzerland Anton Makarsky and Azerbaijan.

cope with the scourge of the north Israel managed with broad international support only on December 6. Israeli media estimated the cost of damage caused by fire, in an amount of about 550 million dollars.

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Anton Makarskij
«Moscow residents»
a series of documentary programs

At the core of each program history hero - a famous person. Anton Makarskij, Yuri Grymov, Ilya Reznik, Alexander Shilov, Rybnikov, Julia Mikhalchik - these and many other famous people became the heroes of our documentary series "Moscow resident».
Heroes program introduces her family, give simple home cooking recipes, divided tricks to create an interior with their hands, show a memorable place in Moscow, relating to the time when they were just starting to conquer the capital. From candid conversation with "stars" you know what crises were in their life, and I managed to overcome them, hear interesting stories can see the family archives, books, artifacts, rarely come to the attention of television cameras.
main goal of our program - to show an example famous people overcoming difficult life situations to instill optimism in the current difficult time. Give simple recipes that are easily applicable in life and help save the family budget. Tell about Moscow in the history of its inhabitants.


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