Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Irritated Upper Lip A Sign Of Herpes

Meme, just because I do not want to go to sleep yet. You are weirder

answers to each of the questions with the form on Flickr.
2) Choose a photo of the first three pages.
3) Copy the URL of your favorite photos here copying the example of [info] nice_lena , I'll make a kind of collage.
4) then share them with the world.

1. First Name
2. Favorite food
3. City
4. Favorite Color
5. Love a celebrity
6. Favorite drink
7. Dream Vacation
8. Favorite Dessert

9. What I want to be when I grow
10. What I love most in the world
11. A word that describes me
12. The name of my LJ

Free Image Hosting at

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Euro-style License Plate Bracket

Than 81% of Other LJers

So, meng_die, your LiveJournal Reveals ...

You are ... 9% unique (blame, for example, your Interest in stray-dog-howling-in-the-dark ) and 14% herdlike (Mostly Because You, like everyone else, enjoy yaoi ). When it comes to friends you are lonely . In terms of the way you relate to people, you are keen to please . Your writing style (based on a recent public entry) is intellectual .

Your overall weirdness is: 42

(The average level of weirdness is: 29.
You are weirder than 81% of other LJers.)

Find out what your weirdness level is!

~   ~   ~   ~


Monday, December 1, 2008

Catering Cost Louisville


Well, today was a nice day
me a good time, I have a lot ^ ^
new clothes and fashion
kawaiiosa, too many candy colors
okaa-san I just got invited me to eat
goodies too, me
gift books about crafts and other ^ 0 ^
for making pies, especially love the cover
because salia
strawberry cake and I am crazy for strawberries
ahahaha ^ _ ^ Now I will endeavor doing much
things, because lately
not do anything, hopefully I got
the pc, or just saw
anime or read manga, and also in the forum or other websites
in any case I have a good time, because
there are people like me who loves Alice Nine
Awww you earn serious
tod @ s
lived nearby in order ... Someday n_nU
we know all the fans of alice
* _ * In Japan! how nice! ~ * _ *. Ah
that came out this morning also
covers what would be the new album Nine alice
, Vandalize , and two limited versions and regular
^ 0 ^
Aww I want to have both!
xD ahahahaha but I have no money .. xD Osea
I have to decide or
my concerts or records, but oh nose! LM.C
An Cafe and I love too! I want to see! but ...
good all the same ^ _ ^

ai Shou-kun shiteruuuuuuuuu
Longhi picture of my cat xD xD mori

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Make Motorbike Birthday Cake

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Meng Die!

Estaba revisando por las f-list de mis amigos y en algún lugar que ahora ya no recuerdo encontre este.

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Meng Die!

  1. Meng Die invented the wheel in the fourth millennium BC!
  2. Louisa May Alcott, author of 'Little Meng Die', hated Meng Die and only wrote the book at her publisher's request.
  3. In Chinese, the sound 'Meng Die' means 'bite the wax tadpole'.
  4. Ninety-six percent of all candles sold are purchased by Meng Die.
  5. Contrary to popular belief, Meng Die is not successful at sobering up a drunk person, and in many cases she actually May Increase the adverse effects of alcohol.
  6. Olympic badminton rules say that the mix must have exactly Fourteen Feathers.
  7. When Mix is Swallowed, she will enter the blood stream within twenty minutes.
  8. Mix is 1500 years older Than the Pyramids.
  9. The Eskimos have over fifty words for The Mix.
  10. The risk of being struck by Mix one-occurence every 9.300 years.
I am interested in - do tell me about
Déjenme aclarar alguas cositas.

3. Mi nombre if it is in Chinese but not mean.

The translation would be this:

梦. Meng. [Dream] + 蝶. Die. [Butterfly] = Butterfly dream

The first is the character, the second the sound (pinyin) and the third element of its meaning, who left in English because it sounds better.

time after the election I found that my nickname is also an old tune

Zhuangzi, waking from a dream of being to butterfly, wonders if in fact-I is Actually a butterfly I is dreaming Zhuangzi.

4. I would not say so, I have only a small candle as a rubber wand normals are in the chandeliers, a Syrian thickness of my arm as 15 cm in height (before half 30) which is my favorite, a set of 4 moon shaped, three scented candles that come in cup, which incidentally is almost never use.

5. Do I have a alcoholizante effect on people? I think not, it's just that I join many drunk ^. ^

7. And with the same ease with which they entered into their systems, and leave. Clean an simple.

8. I'm actually younger than most of my friends for three or cuetro years, but I am older than my college friends.

9. Just run the risk of being beaten by me, if you dare to be stupid or intolerant as I am about the rest of the time are more than safe.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Benefit Georgia Peach Dandelion

Lyrics Title: Rules Author: Kiki

Title: Rules

Author: [info] midnightdiddle </lj> Kiki (Hey-Diddle-Diddle)

Traductora: Meng Die

: General/Tragedia

Rating : PG-13

Summary : Existen reglas en el Equipo Gai. Las reglas se hicieron por Ten Ten. Equipo Gai centric.

N. de la Autora : Para bitethehandthatfeeds.


Hay reglas entre los miembros del Equipo Gai. Las reglas se remain silent and nobody ever talks about them.

The first rule is, not the Team Gai, not anymore. That name was lost sometime during the death of TenTen, between respiracióny the next, when his heart stopped, his farm was killed and his soul was.

The second rule is to not talk to anyone outside the team is no longer the Team Gai. Do not have time to intruders, for people who can not see, do not know, do not understand. Because now the Not-Team-Gai, is the most comprehensive.

The third (and final) rule is that they do not die. Never . Drag their rear unhappy return after each mission that sent them, because they're better than anyone. They are better for her because she was better for them, and they never disappoint. Never.

These rules are recorded in Lee's head, along with the rules about opening doors and protect your loved ones and other things I try not to remember. But remember, anyway, and follow the rules to the letter, because that's the kind of guy who Lee is. Only it's not really a guy. There was a guy from the hand of TenTen cool in his, and Gai-sensei's ripped from his grasp, and tried to kill his sensei more than anyone in the world. That was the day that Lee became a man.

Neji never did.

He is worse than Lee, Lee can feel it. Lee knows that Gai-sensei can feel it too. Neji takes more missions than the rest, because Neji can not live in Konoha, where every place is turning around girls that are not there, a girl who is dead, dead and missing, abandoned in the golden fields to rot because there was no time.

Neji is a little crazy.

That does not bother much to Lee, because Lee Neji sees things that have never been and never will, so Lee will make exceptions only for Neji. Is another rule, but this is Lee, his alone. It is "caring for Neji, because Neji can not take care of yourself." Because Neji is too busy watching other things, like poison corazóny beat the bloodstream and how the chakra flows out gradually until TenTen is dead, fríay pale again and again.

Neji So when it comes to Lee, narrowed eyes, hands rough and bloody ANBU uniform, Lee continues to Neji outside the walls of Konoha, to the fields where grains are high, golden and beautiful, of a repulsive form. And then Lee remains silent, as it has been since it's TenTen and Neji allows removing her clothes, piece by piece, and allows Neji to touch on all sides with the calloused tips of his fingers, and allows Neji look and look until the boy that will never be a man collapsed by stress, too many tasks, too little and insufficient chakra will. Then

Lee Neji attracted to him, accommodates Neji so they are shoulder to shoulder as comrades, and lying in the wheat field. Watch the high wheat while they escondiéndlos swings around to everyone and everything except the big, wide blue sky, and hopes to come kunai and a girl with ribbons in her hair to take home. But she never comes, and when it finally appears Gai-sensei, in the last hours of the day when the sky is rather dark, rather Neji rather absent fríoy Lee, Gai- sensei never says anything.

is a rule.

The original author is planning to remove your lj, and the number of fics that are only there is a real lastimay great loss to the fandom, having if I can save my favorite but I do not have the time enough; _;

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Welcome Back Ideas For Sororities

Mission accomplished? ♥ Red Eye xDDDDDDDD

Konnichi wa! Awww
muxo q does not write
I have spent many many things
good some bad and I will write here
demases * 000 *
most private things good, what happened I had one eye done melda
horribly red, and it was not conjunctivitis
oO but I always wake up at night with jakekas
and did not sleep until I was forced to go
ophthalmologist, and good = _ =
There I said it was not what I
iq Kreia was a very serious thing that even I could leave
blind in one eye ,..........
then that blank
......................................... ..........................
was wrong ... far cry TT and demases
but gave me some remedies ........
and were expensive .. (Mealkanzabaparaelnuevodvddealiceninemassusunsingleyelnuevoalbumque Seviene
xD) T ^ T I do not like to spend
much for me ... but anyway .. I feel better eye
.. but still see blurry .. I will not go blind
T. ....... T would be the worst that could happen
m in order ... other problem was with my family
, my depression, and things I was doing, they were not really normal
T. .. T but I can not say they were ....(
estoi loka @ _ @) I felt
evil .... more top .. and school
say ........ pa q kjaksjasjaksjkajskasjakskasksj
Well, today I found out I had a red
and only 5 milecimas mmm I was missing?
was something like 3.8 and if I had T_T (truncheon know) but with 5 milecimas
ascended to 3.9 m to 4 T_T i that i do not succeed
thought the worst ... but now in another class had bad
q * 000 * pass it I did my best basketball
test i was well *---* me pass that field, only red m kedo
preokupa SM ahoraa what my friend Shin T_______T He has passed
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! q now in the
kole kon eia melissa tnbn T_T! Uxa .. Q T_T have happen!! Wn
.. the teacher is so bad TT d language kostas not top 5 milecimas
nothing to eios q
both need puuu

(* ^ *) 9 fight! \u0026lt;- Like yuki says that

xDDDDDDDD kajsajskakjsak ......... Ahh I'm happy xq
someone who I thought did not care
is preokupa from me .. , O; lalalalala I esteem n______n tantoooo! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Pros And Cons Of Factions Mount

Sample Letter For Telephone Disconnection

Hi! ~ u_u good ..... as usual I have little q
xq xD I do nothing but top sjaskjas q q
days ago in my right eye is blurry .. I
problems and this is annoying red >/////////\u0026lt;
morning tendre q kalle out to so> 0 \u0026lt;
Finally .. more tests tomorrow ... and my salvation
Unika is tomorrow ... M T_T hopefully get it right ... my mom
is so confident that I will be fine .. but what
has spent the week .. Everything goes from bad to worse T____T
Finally ......................... Today was hot and nothing = _ =
boku no piko saw yesterday was horrible horrible
u_u but the vere nunk T______T the shotacon me; 0;
hate it! ~ U_U I cheated ... when you see a certain person
'll give him something (¬ 3 ¬) or ammm q else? ate pizza .. x3 ...... Oiishi
and that my mom asked me out and I would not u_u
sunny days .. are bad for my skin u_u jaibosa after all .. I'm
ii it looks bad ..... T_____T money T_T
Kero Kero Shou-kun!! kero holidays! ~ u___u

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Holden Headrest Dvd Player

CRY the crime

Konnichi wa! ~
u_u uuuuuu q does not write
days school is really very tired
these tests, the only thing they do is harm
know, but stupid me spend what is happening now ..
Anyway ... I do not waste the hopes of recovering
ESO, ii wenu .... dejor me leave me
of bakarerias, I have not done anything interesting
want to sleep! * 000 * I gave Lola ne the end of term alfin
x3 ahahhahhha was good
like uuuuuuu ..... only thing I see on TV that .... amm
ahahahahaha TT
extrañua someone had a dream that person .... kon
was Lendo .....! my amigochi of evil; 0;
treated me so well ..... to be of?
that ......... T. .............. T Shou

much you love love Natsuki

Ruder xDDDDD

Monday, November 3, 2008

Redwood Road Preschool

Vistlip-Drop Note [PV]

Oussu x3 Good mornings! xD waaaa

it's too late if today was a tiring day yesterday and good
are 0:40 am
but I have to prepare me for college
dissertation, Ayyy, and PowerPoint, was
collapsed all the time, was horrible, but at least
and finished it = _ = Now I learn it, although it is interesting, speaking of the evil
mad cow prions good, we stay super lenda
the presentation ^ _ ^
so all funny, I hope the teacher oO do not get mad, but good
give a little joy to things
and especially if you had a bad day like me = _ =,
waaaaaaaaaaaa! I hate school, some people hate, hate
girls getting vase showing things your body is ugly
¬ 3 ¬ I dislike
seem anything, in order that ... ^_______^
toy happier now that ^ _ ^ and leave the last
Vistlip pv, Drop note,
truth that I have a couple of days, but finally I could turn it muahaaha

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Calcolation Date Eggs Retrivial

アリス 九 號 - says-live * 000000000 *

; muahahahah 

                     This is the favorite part of this dvd 
                     * _ * I love the thing that happens a little more!!~ *q*
                     This will be a night of insomnia 
                     I can not sleep, I am examining
                     history that goes by two notes 
                     and I here as silly, but I prefer to see 
                     my dvd * 0000 * ~♥  
                     Shou I love  you!~ ^/////^


Police Frequencies Brooklyn New York

Nao Their hits kun fans with a bat! PSC

                           really love this part 
                          * 0000 * is so sweet 
                           I want to Nao-kun
                   a blow with the bat in the head 
                oh yes, I'm crazy but it is serious 
                        a nice souvenir of Nao-kun ♥

Broken Skin Under Breasts Running


the PSC boys!
*----* are the world's sexiest
Owwwwwwwwwwwwww x3!
I would have liked to see Takeru and Byou; _ but

Buee Shou * q *

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Lump On Gum Not Hurting

hot photoshoot! My kitten xD x3

is to note That

Saga-kun likes very much the camera

I am dead!

Saga is very hot! We love you
Saga-sama! * 000000 *

Reception Hall Decorating Ideas

Sofia (Sofia, hime-sama, neko glam):
This is my first cat (Amm good second xD) I
had, Kyaa! I love it! x3 is so cute and sweet * w *
remember when I was younger I
leave me alone in the house, and my mother said''well cared for and did .......''
, a remained all night with me, and
always by my side, I love it (= ^ w ^ =) I love it! ^ _ ^ She
glad my life .. , and mmm is my favorite (I know it is not
should be so, but I have a reason xD) That ....
, (● '┏ _ ┓ `●)

Isidora (dwarf, short legs, chicken, isi):
This is my second kitten x3 I get super chiquitita
my house, I was outside in a box
there in the garbage, my Mom it seems that
and found a neighbor who has a German shepherd named Happy,
gave a syringe of milk, do not remember very well, and
good so I got home, it was really nice, newly born and was
smaller than my hand x3 = ^ w ^ =,
now is a cat with short legs, yeah!
stay dwarf and a chicken xD xDD all afraid

Longhi (=_____= U Sii sii xD is named):
Well this is the last cat I got home, the day
November 17, 2003 if I wrong, good
comes home from school that day and the day was ugly with rain, and felt
hear a kitten in the yard, nya nya nya
And Well, after my aunt came to my house, I thought going
to leave a faraway place where
is full of cats. I watched as she gave him milk and everything, you hold so dear
, when my aunt came to
driving off, I cried so much, really, cool
there right away, and I looked at his sad face! ; _; Owww
no no no could let it out, get my mom
and well, at first I said he could not have
more cats, (but they spend a lot) but after the convention
, * w * and ninia I was the happiest in the world!
Siiiiiiiii! ~ I remember I was all wet when I
poor; _ but well, now this happy cat is a crazy @ _ @
all day is playing with whatever I arto
my Murci (s it seems Murcia bigeye xD) ahh n______n
ii esu else (is average for mew yaoi x3)

that. _.

How Long Does Alprazolam Work For?




My grandmother brought me a great

I want a small

; 注文..で......(^_^;)

No More Bloating In Stomach At 11weeks

..........................................喜び ♥ ............................. \\ (* `∧ ') /

                                             I die,
that this expression that Saga-kun
; ; you look so ....!! o(;△;)o
                    I want Kohara makes me feel so 

                                          I envy (-_-メ

Physicals Signs Of Thrush

Kai Kai Kai Kai

Well ... first of all I nyappy!
not know why but I am, but rarely above
slept only 2 hours xD me woke up at 4 am
ahahahhah * 000 * but the rarity of this is that I woke up xD dekaída
and whenever I have dreams I'm like oO
not today!
(something good happens to me x3) that .. is that last night he felt the music
the open lace pure musika xD oO
Electronika BKM is like that .........
ahahaahha x3 * 00000 * I have a video of Alibi I was so happy ~
and Kai-kun likes me more! * 0000 * has the same complex
Shou put the chueka boka xD
x3 I like ahahhaah
*-------* and more over that equals Kai Kai of the GazettE are always
laughing throughout the world, and will spread, but Kai (Alibi) plus!
* 000000000000000000 * weno .. that ... eaeaee
my grandmother came clean my room and all x3
ahhhhhhhhh * 0000 * I have a dvd video ny
Alice Nine * 000000000000000000000000000 *
estoi in Shock!
*-----------* Ahh! that ... _.

a Oh shit poor idle xDDDDDDDDDD xDD ajska

Friday, October 31, 2008

No Energy In My Hamsters


KONBA wa! are ¬ ¬ 10:49 p.m. and I bored aka
But hey, nose this afternoon I had a great knowledge
very cool people! * 000 000 * (for msn)
was as crazy as me!! * 00000000 *
Most were European, with my friend Kelly-chan
I presented to more people and more hours were crazy fanserviciando
______ @
also met a girl from Argentina who is love!
* 0000000 * wena wave had from the beginning
we were crazy but the two___________
m kae bn ^ ^ 00000000000000000
Someday we'll go to Japan together, she stays with me with MYV
and ahh and that ^//////^ Shou .. my mom gave me and now I hear sweet
the last album Girugamesh!!

MUSIC * 000000000000000000000000 *

really love this band!
Satoshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! ~ * Q *

freaks! Salio

before the date * 0000 *
I loved I loved, I've waited a year to listen; _;
just came out of my girugameshus the comments,
magazines and stuff .. but ..... ahh ii BUEE
kajskajkjksa pv now it hurts my eyes I saw something too colorinche jkaskajskajskajskaska
that. _.U

Remedy For Split Skin On Feet

アリス九號- saga & hiroto comment MSN 2008/10/29 ♥

Nyaa ^ _ ^ another video of Alice * 0000000 * 29 is old xD But the day I Today vi q? ¬ ¬ * 0000000 * akjsasj
Hiropon and Saga-sama of nuevu, * 0000 * are more lendas
my Alice!! Today
new comment came in Tora was Yahoo Japan * 0000000 * so loko
salia @ _ @ I was going to get on youtube and I could not u________u but hey, the important thing is that I have
and make my day .

WAaaaaaaaa! but, why not go Shou-kun comments & Nao-kun? (, O;)
I want out of them too; _; Sipoh!! Well, will have to wait ~~~~~~~~

ahhhhhhhh! * 0000000000 * Also at SC24 hoi * 0000000 * Went to the new pv
Vistlip! * 00000 * NOTE DROP! * 00000000 * I love it! I love it! Tohya
just that, it looks weird ...
My favorite of this band are: Volume, Rui and nose Tohya
*---* I have learned to love *--------* despite the short time they have been in the band have released a host
comments and stuff * 0000000 * and are crazy______
ahahahaha maybe that's why love, ahh good for your music it's great! I want the single
Drop Note.

And that now I'm bored, I'm in visunavi, I investigated on more bands!! There are a host alsklasklaa
!!!!!! There are many that still have not heard
known one called Kiki, and their production was very kawaiiosa, but
separated and do not last as long nothing = _ = U Sad ne?

that. _.U

What If I Get Turned On During A Brazillian Wax

ARENA37 ℃ 2008 DEC previews *00000000*

(*//////// 0 //////////*)

난 죽었어
정말 나를 남겨 두고!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Crochet A Mobile Wallet

the GazettE-bachoon interview Ruki & Aoi

* 00000 * kajsajskak WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Rukiiiiiiiiiiii
love this interview * 00000000000 *

How To Turn Off White Balance



Konnichi wa! ~
mmmm .. today was weird ... mmm
and had good test
matter that maybe I will (of course .. mentiraxDDDD IRS)
= _ = U I was horribly wrong, is that the latter one is so matter
u_u so hard ... Oh shit! or my friend who knows a lot
of the sector did well, and almost no u_____u
course it does not matter ..... but I do not think so depressed about things
! (^ 0 ^) / Well, WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !~(\u0026lt;--- "Who said so? Oh Shit!)
all day I've been watching Game Cross, Oh yes!
is an obsession, I know I know, but I want to learn
the good life that I have ahahahahaha ¬ ¬ Well, Halloween Tomorrow
UUUUU * 00000000000 *
the second year that I'll go out T__________T
boring, well I have no money that's what happens
we had a tradition of going to Fantasyland to 31 ¬ ¬ but now
and Henry is no longer; _ , so we had a strange but 5 TT
have a large group of friends mmmmmmmmmm that. _.U
Alice Nine, currently recording the album ^ _ ^ Vandalize
From what I read in your blog and, well, what he says is rare
have been talking about talking and the title is
Bird Cantorras:

Scruples''to sing live, but it is embarrassing to sing in the recording.''

(*///////__________////// *) I want to hear Vandalize

!! * 0 *

Shiteru Shou Ai .......

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Low Sp Count, What To Do

Cross Game [PV]♥ !!!

and finally the best of this day ... ajiskaskaa
Siiiiiiiiiiiiii! ~ First I had gotten into a com
and lei in サキドリ! Had put this in ka pv
second row, I was oO kajskajsasja
kjkaksjakskajska had put me stunned and tearful
not seen it, but after waaaaaaaaaaa
! I could get
kajsaksjaksaj and Full version is really left me loka
really listening for hours .. Hours hours
me want to learn it .....
*--------* but I'm on track! WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Shou *_______*
beautiful Hermes Hermes
kajskasja gosh really looks beautiful now, if q aunq
if you can feel the thinness
uxa .. if those days when they were recording the song as ending
to put yu-gi-oh 5D's
was really stressed out and so did not update their blog or anything
and well, after we saw .. and really his face was delgadizima
.. uxa .. but now I see it is better
q and I am very happy, _, Shou-kun You know you're
the only thing that makes life merry ... amm and a few more good
shiteruuu ai ...

pv I love you! kajskajksajsjaksjakjskajksajskajskajksaj muxa
if I talk nonsense is stupid i q'm still in shock *---*

Where To Buy Backpack In Singapore

Cross Game New images♥ !!!

アリス 九 號 the Best! Woww
; u; out beautiful ne? * 0000000000000 * muxo
the Arisu glamor are the best band in the world, with more glamorous
to really love are the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cantaloupe Seeds Dogs

It Hurt Me. My music. Meme

Make a playlist with one song That Goes With Every letter of your username.

M ein Herz Brennt - Rammstein
E l be under the moonlight - Anabantha
N ight eternal - Moonspell
G ood nigth demon slayer - Voltaire

D Amager People - Depeche Mode
I Could Be a Killer - Human Drama
E e of Shiva - Therion

genres and is that bands have little in common, but I still love them: P

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lic Money Plus 180 Growth Fund

Bisexual Pride Day! !

Maybe nobody is interested but there
Bisexual Pride Day

And if someone wants to come give me hugs or virtual gifts are very welcome ^ __ ^

Yep! Later, but never mind: P

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Go Go Dancers Black Light

In The Beginning There Was the computer ... [O how God created the universe]

Ever wondered how God created the world?
SUPER CRACK response and very funny ^___^

_And God said:_

%>Create man

%>Run multiplication

#Execution terminated. 6 errors.

%>Insert breath

%>Run multiplication

#Execution terminated. 5 errors.

%>Move man to Garden.edn

%>Run multiplication

#Execution terminated. 4 errors.

%>Copy woman from man

%>Run multiplication

#Execution terminated. 3 errors.

%>Insert woman into man
#Illegal parameters. Try again.

%>Insert man into woman

%>Run multiplication
#Execution terminated. 2 errors.

%>Create desire

%>Run multiplication

#And God saw man and woman being fruitful and multiplying in Garden.edn 
#Warning: No time limit on this run. 1 errors.

%>Create freewill

%>Run freewill

#And God saw man and woman being fruitful and multiplying in Garden.edn 
#Warning: No time limit on this run. 1 errors.

%>Undo desire

#Desire cannot be undone once freewill is created.

%>Destroy freewill

#Freewill is an inaccessible file and cannot be destroyed. 
#Enter replacement, cancel, or ask for help.


# Desire not can be undone eleven freewill is created.
# Freewill is an inaccessible file and Can not Be Destroyed.
# Enter replacement, cancel, or ask for help.

The rest I found on this link ^ __ ^ ->


Sunday, September 7, 2008

How To Get Rid Of Herpes

Because I Have Nothing Better To Do ... Power

Because I Have Nothing Better To Do Meng+Die took the free personality test!

"Considers the existing circumstances disagreeable ..."

Click here

to read the rest of the results.

I underlined the truest thing, in my opinion.

Your Existing Situation

Seeks to share a bond of understanding intimacy in an esthetic atmosphere of peace and tenderness.

Your Stress Sources

Unfulfilled hopes have led to uncertainty and apprehension . Needs to feel secure and to avoid any further disappointment, and f ears being passed over or losing standings and prestige . Doubts that things will be any better in the future and this negative attitude leads her to make exaggerated demands and to refuse to make reasonable compromises.

Your Restrained Characteristics

An unadmitted lack of confidence makes her careful to avoid open conflict and she feels she must make the best of things as they are. Feels trapped in a distressing or uncomfortable situation and seeking some way of gaining relief. Able to achieve satisfaction from sexual activity.

Your Desired Objective

Considers the existing circumstances disagreeable and over-demanding . Refuses to allow anything to influence her point of view.

Your Actual Problem

Disappointment and the fear that there is no point in formulating fresh goals have led to anxiety, emptiness, and an unadmitted self-contempt. Her refusal to admit this leads to her adopting a headstrong and defiant attitude.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia

Title: Power
[info] jbmcdragon
Translator: Meng Die
Rating: G

was not itself Hinata who finally caught his attention. It was not the fact that Chuunin did last year - Neji after all, it was jounin. Neither the fact that the Hokage had sent her and her team in several important missions. The two boys, after all, were powerful ninjas.

Nor did they behave, or how he had stopped stuttering, or how he was responsible as well of being the matriarch of the clan while his mother was ill.

was not anything that made Hinata to attract the attention of his father. Were Kiba and Shino, and power between them. It was the way it used to stand around, like his clan together to protect by blood and ninjustu. It was the fact that they were not bound by anything, and yet they were, against all odds. Prepared to give their lives for a little girl could hardly Chuunin say his own name.

And then, only then was Hinata. Hinata who deteníaa the two young men with softer word imaginable. - "No" -. Only this, and his two teammates retreated, yielding to his authority. Doing what she said.

skills were not the limit blood, speed or strength. Were the two men who gave him his power and relied on it to use it properly. It was the sudden and surprising realization that somewhere along the way, she had matured.

itself was not Hinata who finally caught his attention. It was the power he carried, though we never believed capable of none.

Note by the translator:

I love Team 8. Personalities

complemented; Hinata is corazóny emotions, Kiba is the muscle and brute force, Shino is the brains and strategy. Besides its unique and powerful abilities so well balanced, making it an ideal group of ninjas of Konoha, but as there are players nobody pays attention to them: (.

The only weak point of the team vedaderamente recycle Hinata's personality is obnoxious how they behave around Naruto and security FLAT, but in my opinion this is something that exceeded cuendo mature, having reached that point will become the three, a union of power to be taken into account .

By the way I want to say that I think the reason this team is an alliance of clans Konoha remaining strong, this triad of clan heads will be important for the stability of the town in the not too distant, or so I hope that happens someday ^___^.

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Little Prayers

Title: Small Prayer
Author: Hey-Diddle-Diddle
[info] Meng_Die

As a rule, the ninja does not believe in God. Gai, however, if you believe. Man is abnormal, the bizarre with strange habits and customs, strange poses and phrases, and strangest of all, believes in good and evil, heaven and hell and in God.

can not understand a world where everything is gray, where the men killed for little more than money, even though it is one of those men. He refuses to see as well in your world, everything is black and white. Some are good or bad. He is good, has always been good, and people will fight they are bad, and he will go to heaven, because the good do not go to hell, and is it not this life like hell? He can not deal with the idea that maybe, just maybe, there is nothing after this, and there was nothing before, and that maybe, just maybe, there is no power large, keeping everything in line and in control. And that idea, that men control the world and the universe and everything, I dread more than anything else, except for the idea that God exists.

So dazed and confused and very lost, he prays. Pray for your students, so that Tenten is safe, so Neji becomes happy, and that Lee finally become what he wants to be. Pray that you return to Raidou Genma, Kakashi finally to see Iruka, Naruto to become Hokage. Pray for Kurenai and her baby, for the soul of Asuma. Pray for each person and each thing in the village, from children playing in the streets until the old men die while dreaming. Finally, when finished with your town, its people, he prays for his own sins.

Pray for the men who killed them. Trying to pray for them, one at a time, name by name, but too many, you can not remember them all. They are like mist, disappearing faces more faces, and pray for them.

- "God," - he says, because God is not 'dear', - "take care of them all" - and 'all' becomes larger every day .

And every night, mechanically, because Gai is a very reliable, said their little prayers, kneeling, with his hands clasped and trembling. And when it ends, feel, wakes and wonders if it's actually good enough, if after all going to go to heaven, or if, after all, is going to be stuck here in hell forever.

translating'm not that good, but if I pass only a little of the feelings aroused in me this fic, I can be well served. ^ __ ^

Friday, August 1, 2008

Promissory Letter Format

meng_die @ 2008-08-01T16: 20:00

How to make a meng_die
Ingredients: 1 part success

1 part 1 part joy crazyiness
Method: Blend
at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little sadness if Desired!


Personality cocktail From

Monday, July 14, 2008

How Much Are Core Trucks

New Community, new claim

So I'll try this new community [info] una_frase Sabaku no Gaara asked the generic table to accompany.
Let's see how long I
toma :D

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Vigamox For Ear Infections

Fucking Too much tired of all! Level

I'm not sure what I'm looking for anymore

I just know that I'm harder to console

I don't see who I'm trying to be instead of me


All this running around, well it's getting me down

Just give me a pain that I'm used to

I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive

[ I ] just need to achieve something that rings true


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Polaroid Still Frame Problem Progressive


The Caffeine Click Test - How Caffeinated Are You?

  How many cannibals could your body feed?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Naturism Competition Of Beauty Rapid

Traducción Eleven kisses (Kakashi/Iruka)

Yo no soy gran fan del kakairu pero estoy fascinada con el estilo de Kiki  :) The angst is given tremendously well, and I'm willing to read any fiction that regardless of family type.
already asked permission to translate their stories and she gave me very nice and I very happy translating: D

[info] midnightdiddle Kiki

Rating: PG

Gender: Angst / Romance

Translator: Meng Die Original

: Eleven kises

Kisses Once

The first time you kissed Iruka sneezed. When asked why Kakashi, Iruka said he was allergic to dogs. Pakun was sleeping outside for a week.

The second time they kissed, Kakashi fell asleep. Had just returned from a mission that lasted a week, and when he woke up he found covered with a blanket on the table a plate of food wrapped in aluminum.

The third time we kissed, Iruka laughed. Kakashi decided that this was how Iruka always wanted to kiss while he was laughing, because Kakashi could feel the tips of his fingers against his chest, his tongue into the throat of Iruka.

The fourth time they kissed, they were in bed. Iruka came late to class the next day and was found early Kakashi with Team 7.

The fifth time they kissed, Iruka cried. When asked why Kakashi, Iruka Kakashi mumbled something about being an idiot, and Kakashi laughed.

The sixth time they kissed, were discovered by Iruka students. Kakashi Iruka had to hold to prevent the mortified teacher committing ritual suicide, and Iruka had to use all her self-control to avoid strangling Kakashi.

The seventh time he kissed, a storm was falling. Kakashi caught a cold in his wet clothes and spent the next three days in Iruka's bed, whining and pouting, and Iruka spent the next three days trying to keep entertained Kakashi.

the eighth time that they kissed, Kakashi went on another mission. Did not come home for nearly a month, and when he did he found a pale and haggard Iruka, looking even worse than Kakashi. Kakashi Iruka apologized and laughed.

the ninth time they kissed, Kakashi Iruka tried groping. The teacher struck the ninja-back with everything I had, and Kakashi went out with his right eye purple and walked through the village half-blind for the rest of the week. Iruka laughed.

The tenth time that they kissed, Iruka sneezed again. I was going out on a mission, the first in a long time, Kakashi and Pakun he was going. Iruka laughed at his own sneeze, he laughed as he walked away, and suddenly Kakashi Iruka wanted to kiss again.

Now this is the last kiss. Iruka is laughing and crying, her shoulders shake, and her lips slightly know blood. Kakashi is telling you idiot, again and again, and is kissing him, gently, and in despair. Iruka tries to apologize but Kakashi's mouth is covering him, and the taste of blood is becoming stronger. The teacher decides that eleven kisses were not enough, never enough. Can not remember the taste of Kakashi, and can not prove the jounin across the blood accumulating in his mouth, and that saddens Iruka, he does mourn more.

"Silence, fool," whispered Kakashi Iruka while kissing again and again. "Silence."

"My eyes," Iruka lies as tears run down his face, "Damn allergies." Kakashi tries to kiss but is out of breath, can not breathe, and the blood continues to fill his mouth. Coughs while laughing, coughing while crying and coughing while Kakashi kissing his nose.

"I know," Kakashi tries to comfort him, "I know. Pakun, is letting his hair everywhere. I'll kiss you better, here, "he kissed Iruka's eyes, kisses her tears. Iruka is quiet now, laughter fade, tears falling to a simple moisture on his cheeks.

"I'm tired, "Iruka whispered in between the blood dripping from his mouth. Her eyelids are closing.

"Then sleep," Kakashi said softly, his hands grabbing Iruka stronger and stronger. "Just close your eyes and rest."

"kiss me again?" Iruka asked innocently sleepy. His eyes are closed now, the eyelids lose in the fight to stay open, and his face is relaxed, the tension and pain disappear.

"I'll kiss you when you wake up," Kakashi says, smiling lies in its promise. No Iruka is no response, no smile, no more tears or kisses hurry. Once kisses, too few, but somehow enough.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Note from Author : I did. Killed Iruka. Not sure what to say except that I love a lot, I had to kill him.

[info] midnightdiddle

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Difference Between Hdmi Input With Vga Input

Test: Get to know yourself better

Take it HERE

Your view on yourself: Other people find you very interesting, But You are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you Because You Are a good listener. Probably they'll still love you if you learn to Be yourself with Them.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: 
You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship: 
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love: 
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education: 
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you: 
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success: 
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of: 
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self: 
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Dark Skin Doujin English

What is your WARNING label?

Meng_Die may explode without warning

Estan  advertidos :P

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

How Long Does It Take For Ice Cubes


List 10 fictional characters you wouldn't kick out of bed (in no  particular order) and tag five people to do the same:

Iori Yagami (K o F): 1   2 This man was my first crush on a fictional character.

Victoria (Hellsing): 1 2 3 4 Gorgeous little woman with a pretty big weapon ^ _ ^

Sabaku no Gaara ( Naruto): If I could hug him while I sleeps, Without painfully dying, Would I do it.

Rei Ayanami (Evangelion): 1 2 3 4 She is so Damaged People, _, I will take care of her,

Vincent Valentine (FF): 1 2 3 * _ * Gorgeous

Anko Mitarashi (Naruto): 1 2 I have no pictures of it and because I worked hard in the internet search only found this screen shot.

Shiranui Genma (Naruto)

Yoruichi (Bleach): 1 She is so hot

Soi Fong (Bleach): 1 She is so cold

Yoru / Soi my favorite pairing is, in yuri.They and Haruka / Michiru (Sailor Moon).

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Cat Spayed Popped Stitch

Drabble Not a Fairy tale

Author: [info] meng_die
Fandom: Bleach
Claim: 11 th Division
Table : Basic 2
Number: 25 .- History
Warnings: No
Notes: This focuses on the characters Kusajishi Yachiru and Zaraki Kenpachi.

Not a Fairy Tale

There once was a swordsman who had nothing. Homeless. Without food. Unnamed. Wandering alone, fighting for survival in the last level of hell.

There once was a girl who had a family and a home. But living in a dangerous place and soon everything was taken away, disappeared under a crimson curtain. A baby and her, alone and helpless, would not survive.

The fate decided that he never had anything ever find who had it all.

Little found, has a guardian who would die to protect it, but a monster that would kill for her .

And when he found her, recognized her power, that can awaken the hungry souls. Found who would follow in their bloody way. She would be his child, and grow up to be a monster, just like him.


:~*~:: Now I can go in peace to the faculty.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Renew Drivers License Ohio Online Military

My very own Haiku ^_^

Haiku 2 meng-die for

only partly seen many things and his presence
Created by Grahame

Monday, March 3, 2008

How To Attach Half-drilled Pearls To Posts

Back for a few days Something on my

I just returned home after a very bad season, and the truth is I love to be back. Things are becoming more difficult each day takes me a little more fight, but thanks to my family I am moving forward as best I can. Now I see out there posted on queer as folk, the truth is that I miss.
Bye all.